Appendix D: YHL’s Taste in Games

For personal reference.

Since this VN does not have a goal of wild commercial success, I’d rather create a game that I would enjoy! Based on a discussion with Joe wherein we discussed gameplay in hybrid VNs (narrative vs. “mini-game” or ~actual game components).

I’m not interested in arguing fine points of categorization. The point for me is an overview of my preferences in games I enjoyed and find memorable. The answer was a bit surprising!

Numbers are not rankings. They’re alphabetized. Literally so I can keep count of how many games in what category. 🙂


  1. Balatro
  2. Castle (MS-DOS)
  3. Chess
  4. Chinese Checkers
  5. The Crew
  6. Doom
  7. Eye of the Beholder II
  8. Fluxx
  9. Gloomhaven
  10. Golden Axe
  11. I Love Hue
  12. I Love Hue Too
  13. M.A.X.
  14. Mechabellum
  15. Minesweeper
  16. Munchkin
  17. Realms (Virgin Interactive)
  18. Red Alert
  19. Silent Death
  20. Slay the Spire
  21. Space Hulk Death Angel
  22. Sprawlopolis
  23. Starfighter (Yskari Games)
  24. Star Realms
  25. Turing Machine (board game)
  26. Wolfenstein 3D
  27. Yomi

leaning toward gameplay

  1. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd ed.
  2. Azure Bonds
  3. Desolate and its first two expansions
  4. Diablo II
  5. Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls
  6. Dungeon Solitaire: Tomb of Four Kings
  7. Fights in Tight Spaces
  8. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
  9. Hades
  10. Pandemic
  11. Race for the Galaxy
  12. Regency Solitaire
  13. Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri
  14. Space Quest III
  15. Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition: Crisis
  16. Warhammer 40,000

leaning toward story

  1. Colostle
  2. Creature of Havoc (Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Steve Jackson)
  3. Delta Green (TTRPG)
  4. Fallen London (formerly Echo Bazaar)
  5. For a Change (IF, Dan Shiovitz)
  6. Legend of the Five Rings CCG
  7. Lone Wolf (gamebook series, Joe Dever)
  8. PataNoir (IF, Simon Christiansen)
  9. Planescape: Torment
  10. Pytho’s Mask (IF, Emily Short)
  11. Shade (IF, Andrew Plotkin)
  12. Slouching Toward Bedlam (IF, Dan Ravipinto and Star Foster)
  13. Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! (Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, Steve Jackson)
  14. Thousand Year Old Vampire


  1. Coming Out on Top (visual novel, m/m romance)
  2. Doki Doki Literature Club
  3. Lifeline
  4. The Magic of the Unicorn (Choose Your Own Adventure)
  5. Slay the Princess

…that’s right! I tilt strongly toward gameplay rather than narrative. Upon reflection, perhaps that makes more sense than I’d realized. I often want to play videogames or TTRPGs to fight things or think happily about small-unit tactics…because my day job (…writing novels) involves being steeped in characters and narrative all day long, so I need a break so my brain can recharge. :3